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"What if
everybody on the planet earth understood the General
Theory of Relativity?" 
A fantastic thought
which is unfortunately far from reality.
What if we had to make sure that the General
Theory of Relativity (GR) rather than being an
exclusive domain of some of the finest minds, is
accessible to everyone? It is true that the
mathematical machinery behind GR is formidable,
but once the concepts behind the Special Theory of
Relativity (SR) and GR are comprehended, it is
very difficult to go back to the conventional mode
of thinking. If all of us could appreciate
just the difference between the inertial and
non-inertial frames, if nothing else.
So may be
we can try to develop simplified ideas for
everyone, which allow us to look at things around
us just a little differently. We have to
keep in mind that we will be addressing a layman
audience rather than specialists. People who
are not necessarily physicists, but ordinary Joe's
like us, accountants, lawyers, engineers, doctors,
businessmen, programmers, carpenters, farmers,
housewives, children and so on. People who
rely more on common sense and who are truly
interested in understanding the magic of science
and how to incorporate this magic in their daily
lives, but they can not because science is not
One problem we
encounter immediately, is the mathematics required
to understand even the most basic of the concepts
in the advanced areas of physics such as Quantum
Field Theory or String Theory. It takes
years of rigorous training for a theoretical or an
experimental physicist to achieve a minimal
proficiency. But those of us not in the
field, the magic is limited to popular-level books
written by well-meaning physicists or Star-Trek
episodes. But does it have to be this way?
Science and
especially physics, is a way of life rather than
just another difficult discipline. It
represents how one thinks about abstract and then
connect it to the real world through
geometry. That is how two of the most
enduring theories, Classical Mechanics by Newton
and General Theory of Relativity by Einstein were
developed. The Quantum Field Theory, is the
combination of the Quantum Mechanics and the
Special Theory of Relativity, whereas highly
regarded String Theory is the combination of the
Quantum Mechanics and the General Theory of
Relativity. We are still looking for the
underlying principle, which will tie up all the
theories together.
Most of the
theories mentioned so far assume space-time or (t,
x, y, z) formulation. Which presents a bit
of a problem. How do we know that three
spatial axes namely x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis
truly converge to a point we call "origin"?
Another important issue is the concept of time.
What do we really mean when we make a statement t
= 0? Is time absolute or is it specific to
the observer? And then how do the origins of
Euclidean or non-Euclidean space, and that of time
converge? Or do they ever?
It is known to
just about everyone that the fastest moving snake
moves with the speed of light. Whether the
snake will keep its venom or even its existence at
this speed, is another issue for debate. But
then what moves the slowest, measured or
in theory? Is it even important to know it?
In the following
days, we will be discussing some of the important
issues which fall under the domain of physics but
nevertheless affect our day-to-day lives. We
will try to develop a description of the physical
systems independent of (t, x, y, z)
formulation. We will assume, that we do not
have the powerful mathematical tools available to
us , which actually is true as we won't be able to
understand them even if these tools were provided
to us. We will bring in mathematics as
required. The areas of science and
engineering we will touch upon at a very
elementary level, are the information theory, the
concept of entropy, quantum and statistical
mechanics, topology, geometry and complex
this point we will state a basic principle
without proof as:
observer moves towards the state with maximum
information, the observer can measure."
Please note
the emphasis on "can
measure". If a state with infinite
information, is available but the observer can not measure
it then the observer can not move towards it,
however the observer will stay in "orbit".
We can think of it in general terms as if
information is wealth and if an observer knows
about it (i.e. measure it), then the observer will
move towards the state which provides the maximum
wealth. We do not need physics to figure
that part out. That is how the world we live
in ticks.
We will be
discussing various concepts with the term
"information" used in a rather abstract manner.
The information can be later interpreted as the
energy, a structure, or simply as a binary code
depending on the context.
thoughts presented on this site represent a work
in progress, which was initiated in the year 2010.
It is bound to contain errors and multiple
instances of "not even wrong", both in concepts
and formulations, which are purely author's
responsibility due to his own limitations and no
one else's. The input from the learned
reader, is always welcome. As it is said
that, "the errors are forgiven, the conclusions
are not", we will refrain from
drawing conclusions
and let ideas speak for themselves.

information on www.ijspace.org, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
— You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to
the license, and indicate if changes were made.
You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any
way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your
use. No additional restrictions — You may
not apply legal terms or technological measures that
legally restrict others from doing anything the
license permits. This is a human-readable
summary of (and not a substitute for) the license.
adhered scrupulously to the precept of that brilliant
theoretical physicist, L. Boltzmann,according to whom
matters of elegance ought to be left to the tailor and
to the cobbler."
- Albert Einstein,
"Relativity: The Special and General Theory", 1920.
doubt everyone appreciates the need for correctness, but
perhaps the lay reader may not realize the great
importance of
- Lillian R. Lieber in
"The Einstein's theory of relativity, A trip to the
fourth dimension", Holt, Reinhart and Winston, 1966.
"You can't do very good philosophy unless you get
you science right. But you can't do science in full
self-conscious understanding, unless you realize how
much it depends upon philosophical modes of reasoning as
- Lawrence Sklar, Space,
Time, and Spacetime. University of California Press,